Nobody cares….

Nobody cares about your product!
When meeting new potential customers, the most important thing to do is find out what they care about, what their drivers are and importantly, what success looks like to them.
What they don't care about is your product. Yes, it’s probably excellent and yes, you are very proud of it. This does not change the fact that they will not care - unless you can find ways to highlight first the benefits it delivers, and secondly the value that that translates into for your customer.

Show them the money! If you are going to ask someone to pay for your product or service, you better have a clearly articulated, quantified value statement.

Two notes on that value statement

  1. It must be as specific as possible to your customer - even down to the individual where possible. If it reads like bland corporate marketing then re-write it!

  2. It should make sense to anyone - even people outside of the domain

We see more weak examples of value statements as opposed to powerful ones - no matter how large or small your organisation, there is always room for improvement in this critical area of sales!


Are you surrounded by idiots?